Sniper rifle mods new vegas
Sniper rifle mods new vegas

sniper rifle mods new vegas

The Hyena Infra-Dead is inspired and based upon another weapon from Call of Duty: Black Ops 1, in the map "Call of the Dead." The weapon's name was the Scavenger. The Hyena Infra-Dead is made from edited default meshes, retextured files, by myself. The weapon features new projectiles, new textures, new meshes, and a rather beautiful explosion. The weapon is highly accurate, being able to put accurate fire from over a mile away. The gun deals extremely high damage but fires very Slowly. This mod adds a very large sniper rifle known as the "Hyena Infra-Dead" to Fallout: New Vegas. Requirements: None, only Fallout: New Vegas

  • Projectile now has slight drop to account for gravity.
  • Made explosion 40% bigger and 33% more powerful than Fat Man explosion.
  • sniper rifle mods new vegas sniper rifle mods new vegas

  • Brand New Textures inspired by Der Riese's PaP.
  • Completely rebuilt the mod from scratch.

  • Sniper rifle mods new vegas